Episode 08: Joanne Avison- Fascia, our sixth sense and Body scaffolding

Do you know you're mostly made of fascia?

From what is around the muscles, the back of our skin, part of what forms our blood vessels, joints, bones....Learn from top expert Joanne Avison:

- What is Fascia

- Why Fascia is what makes us whole

- How, with the fascia, we're retrieving knowledge of the Body-mind connection "lost" since Descartes' times

- How Fascia is related to the "gut knowing" or instinct as well as our self- awareness

- How Yoga includes our thinking body, moving body, instinctive body and emotional body

- What is embryology, and how it relates to the Fascia, our relationship to nature and to our heart

Bonus: Get an extensive explanation of Joanne Avison's background and body of knowledge by simply clicking on "Get my free Content!"


Episode 09: Dylan Newcomb- Uzazu, Embodying your way of life


Episode 07: Paul Linden- From “Smallifying” to Empowering the Bodymind